Your go to app for She Recovers.
The recovery app that rewards you for being your best self.
Track healthy habits, earn rewards coins and cash in on exclusive marketplace deals for She Recovers!
iPhone with rotating images of Oberit App

Featured Brands

From Olipop and Doughp to London Nootropics and Noughty AF, make self-care a top priority and treat yourself to something different. With Oberit, we empower you to empower yourself.

Oberit Premium for Free

Oberit Premium is available for free now and for the next 60 days, which means you will get double the Oberit coins to spend when checking in to the app.
Learn more

50 Oberit Coins at Sign Up

We are giving all She Recovers app users 50 Oberit coins when you sign-up to immediately spend in the Oberit marketplace on exclusively discounted products!
Learn more

Recovery Blog Posts

Check out our guides on where to start and how to make the most of your next two months.
View blogs

Kickstart your next 60 days with Oberit Premium

Now and throughout the next two months, all She Recovers attendees (IRL and Virtual) have access to Oberit Premium for free - along with 50 coins available to spend 48 hrs after signing up.

Double the Rewards

Premium access means you'll earn double the amount of Oberit coins for checking in to the app - which also means double the rewards!

50 Free Oberit Coins

Everyone who signs up during the conference receives 50 free Oberit coins to spend in the marketplace on top-rated wellness brands.

Donations For Downloads

Your Download Matters. For each sign up during and after the conference using the unique link or QR code, Oberit will donate $1 to the She Recovers Foundation!
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iPhone with rotating images of Oberit App

She Recovers,
Meet Oberit

Ride the recovery momentum from this amazing conference in Miami (or from the comforts of home) with Oberit. Our app incentivizes people to make progress towards a healthier lifestyle by making this challenge a fun and enjoyable experience, complete with rewards of all shapes and sizes.

Get rewarded for staying on track

Reward yourself along the way as you make progress on your wellness goals. With Oberit, you earn rewards for the progress you make each day.

A science-based app that works

Oberit uses simple neuroscience techniques proven to help you achieve and sustain a healthy, sober, addiction free lifestyle.

Use rewards on items in the marketplace

The Oberit marketplace features top rated wellness brands - like Olipop, London Nootropics, Doughp, Noughty AF, Yourlixir, Breathwrk - at exclusive discounts for Oberit users (sometimes for free!)
And with Oberit premium (free for all She Recovers app users for the next 60 days), you can get even more!
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Exclusive She Recovers deals in the Oberit marketplace

Oberit features exclusive deals not found anywhere else on top-rated wellness brands (some are even free offers) to support you during the next 60 days and beyond.

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Recovery Blog Posts

Don't know where to start? Check out these helpful blog posts.

The therapeutic benefits of dogs: How pets can help in your recovery

The therapeutic benefits of dogs: How pets can help in your recovery
This is a quick blurb about what this blog is about

Benefits of Music Therapy

Benefits of Music Therapy
This is a quick blurb about what this blog is about

Understanding Why Bereavement Is Both Traumatic and Personal

Understanding Why Bereavement Is Both Traumatic and Personal
This is a quick blurb about what this blog is about

The Relationship Between Sleep and Recovery

The Relationship Between Sleep and Recovery
This is a quick blurb about what this blog is about

You're Going to Thrive Today.

Reward yourself along the way.

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